Sectional drawings
Cross Section
- big gym sinks into ground
- car access into the field
- walls wrap around the rooms like a shell
Longitudinal Section
- administrative rooms set to the North, separated from the rest of the rooms
- big gym hall is located deep into the ground, while smaller gym is above it (adjacent to the ramp & links to the toilet/change room/rub down room)
- toilet/change room act as a 'bridge' that links the big gym & store rooms & allows cars to pass underneath it
- kitchen & cafe are placed near the Grandstand & the centre respectively t allow good view into the oval
- multi-purpose rooms & flexible workshops are set at the top floor
An 'Edge'
- one-point perspective drawing showing the big gym ( basement), the rub down room, ramp & small gym hall (lower ground level, partially set into the soil), and a cafe (street level)
- a row of windows are placed on the East side of the small gym hall to allow more light into the hall, & the tiny holes (punctured concrete slabs with glass inserted into the hole to prevent dirt to fall into the hall) also helps filtering light into the small gym hall.
Detailed section of 'edge' of small gym hall